Monday, August 2, 2010


We decided to put Owen in T-ball to see if he liked it or not. He liked it a whole lot better than soccer. Batting was his favorite!

Such concentration!

This was just a little thumbs up letting me know he was alright!

He has quite the fielding skills. Is that a pink glove?? No, it can't be. Yep, it is....don't ask!

This is usually towards the end of the game when Owen is basically done. This picture makes my heart smile.

This was the sky at our house last night! So beautiful!


Phillips Family said...

HAHAHAHA, they must play with pink gloves up in Canada!! Nothing like T-Ball in the summers. Hope things are still going well.

Mom of three ♥ said...

Looks like he had a fun time! That last picture of the sky is beautiful!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

You take amazing pic's, I need you to take a pic of our family!!! Your kids, so cute, however, let's hope this baby is chill!!! Go to Robert J Debry and Associates - they have helmets - nice ones, I can't remember the brand for $5.

Nicole said...

So much fun. We miss you guys tons.

*Leslie* said...

I love the pink glove! I'm glad Owen like TBall more, Andrew loved being teammates. You're on a short countdown now...hope you're feeling well!

*Leslie* said...

I meant "liked" not "like" it prego brain.

Jill Bowcutt said...

Oh my cuteness! Can't wait to hear about the new upcoming baby. Hang in there!