Thursday, March 17, 2011


I have to admit I could do without ANY holidays after Christmas until Easter of course! But we did celebrate this morning. The naughty leprechauns turned our milk green. And even though we tried to trap him and it failed he did leave behind his gold!

Heres the trap..don't you just love little things like this that make children so extremely happy.


Kristin said...

such cute pictures! I love the trap! You are so creative and such a fun mommy!! So cute!!

Phillips Family said...

Wow, very clever, and great shirts...but who is the Irish one?

Ashley said...

i love the trap! I will have to do that next year! What fun!

Jamie said...

Oh my! Love this! That last picture of them all together is frame worthy. What a fun day for them. Good job mom!

Angie said...

I don't know why the crap we don't see each other. LAME!!!! BTW....your kids are clones of each other. So cute!!!