Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Katie----this one is for you!


Mom of three ♥ said...

Very cute pictures!

Allie and Reed said...

Owen looks so big and your little girl is just gorgeous. She is so stankin' cute I just want to squeeze her. Hey we're coming in August, I would love to come see you and your kids if you're in town.

kaTie said...

LESLIE!!!! You made me smile... love it! love it! love it!

YOU have a beautiful family!
btw - you look fabulous! (as you always have)

aimee said...

nice to see you in a pic

Lissa said...

love love love them!

Kristin said...

Love the pics! Such a beautiful family!!

Rick and Amber said...

Those are some great pics. You always look so great. I don't know how you do it. I always feel like I look like pooh, especially compared to you.

We need to get together soon for your birthday and Alicia's birthday. I miss you. I feel like we haven't seen each other in like forever and a day.