Sunday, April 26, 2009


Don't I have a cute niece???


kaTie said...

She is sooo cute!!!

I'm all about actions... they are so much easier...... and quick. I've only had luck installing actions from coffee tea photography.... the black and white action is called COFFEESHOP CREAMY CHOCOLATE B&W...

it's a good one!

Jamie said...

Les, These are soooo good! You have to tell me what you did.

Marci said...

Cute pictures!

Lissa said...

I can't believe how old and big she is getting! She is adorable!

Jill Bowcutt said...

Hey, I have a cute niece too! What photoshop do you have? I have photoshop elements and its so confusing. Do you think you could give me some tips? I also have no idea how to install other peoples actions. Is it hard or am I just really dumb?