Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Owen always gets the GOOD stuff while daddy is watching him. He sure loved cotton candy!


Phillips Family said...

Man, Owen and Blake look a lot alike in that pic. Love the updates. How is the house?

Jamie said...

I can see it too, especially in these pictures you posted here, Owen looks a ton like Blake! Hope your feeling good. You need to post some pictures of YOU! We need to go swimming sometime this next week. Let me know what works for you.

Jill Bowcutt said...

I LOVE the pictures of Owen! You do such a great job. You just have to roll with the whole pregnancy thing. I've had people asking me if I'm due soon for months now. Everywhere I go people make thier comments. I actually like to see their reactions when I tell them I'm not due until the end of July. Their eyes pop out of their head and they say, "Oh, you look... um...really good." Ha ha! It's pure entertainment.

David Pistorius said...

Can't imagine Blake giving Owen candy!!! Better than Drew since he abhors cotton candy :~)