I think I'm just a little sick of being cooped up and I need to let some steam off so I thought what better way to do that than to list some of my TOP pet peeves!!
*People who think the fast lane (THE PASSING LANE) is the slow lane. IF you see a car coming behind you in the fast lane at an accerlerated speed...GET OVER! This happens more in Utah than anywhere else I've ever been!
*I love elderly people..don't get me wrong. But why can't they grasp the concept of a debit card. EVERY time I go to the store I get behind an elderly person who takes at least 20 minutes to write a check! Come on people get with the program!
*People who call my cell phone and when I answer they say "who's this?" Don't dial MY phone number then ask me who I am!!! I hate that!
*Men who leave up the toliet seat. Blake RARELY does this but the other night I got up to go to the bathroom (middle of the night) and I fell right in!
That does it. I feel better already!!!!